Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Yesterday and Today - 1/27/10

Yesterday I got up early and got some cardio in. I did elliptical for 30 min, 3.17 miles and bike for 25 min 7.55 mi.

Today I knocked out 3.5 miles in 30:51. After that I got on the bike and rode for 40 minutes. Bike seems to be a great workout for the legs. That might sound simple or obvious. I just never have rode the bike this much.

So we have 2 more weeks till our competition is over. yesterady I was in last place in regards to hours of excercise. But as of today (And its early in the day) I'm ahead of everybody.

I'm also looking forward to the 9 mile run in March. I have been sticking to my training plan, I'm on my 4th week. I know I can knock out 9 miles. But so far haven't ran that long in a LONG time. The closest I came was 8 miles and that was in the Summer. I just hope come race day that I'm patient enough.

all for now.


  1. Good job with the training sessions! I like how you have moved ahead of your competition.

    Will you be adding swimming to your regiment?

  2. Good job Chuck ... way to Unleash Hell on your co-workers.

  3. Thanks Boomer! So about swimming. Yes I want to add this to my regiment. Not sure when I want to start this. My gym has a pool, but when I glanced at it, it seemed very small. But I have had the idea of doing a sprint triathlon in the back of my mind for the last couple of days.

    Jeff thanks to you as well my friend. Yep I have to smoke these guys!

  4. By what I have been reading on your blog lately, I think you will enjoy doing a sprint triathlon.
