Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today, Yesterday and the day before

I'm so ready for friday.

So today, all I got in was 3.5 miles running on treadmill. I also did latt pulldown and shoulder press.

Yesterday I played some basketball during lunch, that was a easy day.

Tuesday, I did elliptical for 30 minutes, 2 miles on treadmill, and 17 minutes on stationary bike.

I think Monday was my best day for my nutrition. I weighed myself and I'm around 191lbs right now. I think the weight lifting and watching my diet is making a big difference. Oh if you havent noticed I have been drinking coffee, i think i only went 8 days without it. But Im using less sugar and cream.

thats all I got.


  1. Nutrition is easily 75% of the desired physical results. Not to mention that it helps fuel our workouts. Nice job with your weight.

  2. +1 to Boomer --- all about the food/fuel.
