Friday, October 2, 2009

2.8 mile run

I just finished my run. Turns out I only went 2.8 miles. Oh well it was a good run. I did walk a little. At the halfway mark, I walked and I walked 2 other times on the way back. When I was just getting started I turned a corner and a lady was coming right at me on a bike. I jumped out of the way and she hit her breaks pretty hard I thought she was going to fall over. Good thing she didn't. When I was about to turn my last corner at the end. I saw a snake on the ground. Just a garden snake but I jumped over it. I'm not a fan of snakes. I live in Oregon so its not that uncommon to come across one. Overall the run was good. I finished it in 29.36 minutes.

So this is my third run in 7 days. My endurance isn't the best but I'm hoping it will get better.

Looking forward to running longer distances. Now my plan is to do 130 crunches.


  1. Keep on plugging away at it Chuck! I hate snakes too ... we have a bunch of poisionous ones in TX ... I've had a couple of close encounters with water moccossins (sp?) ...they are me least favorite snake of all time and they will come after you ... getting the shakes just tping this!!

  2. Thanks Jeff, posionous snakes!!! I'm sure those would make me run faster. So 79 miles in sept. still amazed by that.
