Monday, December 28, 2009

Feeling a little lazy

So I had a great Christmas. I got my oldest son a little bike, he was very happy. My other son is 3 months old, so he didn't really care what he got. My wife made our traditional Chocolate chip pancakes with peanut butter and syrup. It was awesome!

So on the workout front, I haven't worked out since Dec 23rd. I'm having a hard time keeping up with the weight lifting and the half marathon training. I'm thinking about doing one week Weights 3 days a week, and then alternate with one week of just cardio. I want to do both, but I just can't do them both at the same time.

I don't know.. What do you guys think?? Tomorrow morning I'm going to the gym. Not sure if I'm going to do weights or run, but I'm doing something.

Good night,

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a lot of training so it is understandable that it can be a bit overwhelming. In the past, when I felt the same, I would actually lift 5 days a week, but I would only do one body part a day. So I was only in the weight room for about 20 minutes. That left me a enough energy to run or swim or whatever I had scheduled.
