Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday 33 minutes stationary bike

Today I got up early and went to the gym. WAIT!!!! It's Sunday!! Yep it's Sunday but I decided that It wouldn't hurt me to break out of my comfort zone a litle. I go to church on Sunday's but in the last year are so our services are now starting at 2:30pm. So I have been used to sleeping in or till my oldest son wakes up and starts yelling for me.

Anyways I got off on a little tangent there. So I got to the gym and I knew I wanted to do either the bike or elliptical. I'm going to start running tomorrow.
I chose the bike. Actually I'm beginning to really like the bike. I did 33 minutes and went 11 miles according to the LED read outs. I don't think I have ever sat on a stationary bike for over 30 minutes. Towards the end my legs were moving pretty slow, HA HA. but I wanted to make it to 33 minutes. Afterwards my legs were so heavy I felt like I was walking with 50 lbs ankle weights on. It was a good workout. Boomer mentioned on one of his comments how all I need to do is add some swimming and I will be ready for a triathlon. Yeah, he's a little whacked out in the brain! JK Boomer. Seriously his comments have been very inspirational.

So I have 14 miles scheduled for this week. I will run 3.5 tomorrow.
thanks for reading,

1 comment:

  1. Its cool! My friends tell me the same thing about being whacked out in the head. Especially since I am 53. However, I have to pass the whack out baton to Jeff!
