Monday, January 4, 2010

Back in the gym today

The last time I worked out was the day before Christmas Eve. As far as eating healthy I have to say I really REALLY enjoyed the hollidays! I had a ton of Chocolate, Christmas day we had pretty much a Thanksgiving dinner. I had gingerbread cookies, hot chocolate. My wife got me three different kinds of chocolate candy for my stocking. And I finished all of that candy by Dec 26th. New Years eve we had chocolate cake, with Vanilla ice cream. Lets just say I haven't been holding back.

But anyways thats all in the past. Today I got up at 5:30am and took my butt to the gym. I ran 1 mile on the treadmill. I then went to the weight room. I did:

latt pull down 105 lbs 4 sets of 10
Shoulder press 35 lbs 4 sets of 10
bench press 35lbs 2 sets of 10, 45 2 sets of 10
Dip machine 195lbs 4 sets of 10

I have some New Years Goals or resolutions that I want to accomplish this year:

9 mile race March 14th
half marathon, Helvatia - June 12th
Portland Marathon, Oct 10 (My birthday)

talk to you guys later,


  1. Its great that your back in the saddle again. Sounds like both you and I enjoyed the holidays, especially in the food department. I am actually 15 pounds heavier than I was last July. I have a lot of work to do. I will, however, be reading your posts for motivation!

  2. Good to have you back Chuck! Way to set goals and commit to the races ..esp the marathon! Can't wait to read about your journey.

  3. Thanks guys for checking up on me. I appreciate it. I'm glad to be back in the saddle for sure. I'm looking forward to this year to see what I can achieve in fitness. You guys have been a great inspiration.
